Tax & Accounting Manager

Jeffrey Maniff

Jeff possesses a unique blend of Public Accounting and Private Sector experience spanning over three decades. He started out in his Grandfather’s CPA firm while attending Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. A native of New England, Jeff moved to Florida in 2020 to work for a tech giant as Senior Tax Lead, which lead him back to Public Accounting at Bouvier & Associates (now Bloom) in 2022.

Jeff received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Babson College in 1985. He has spent the majority of his time specializing in every facet of taxation in multiple industries, gaining a very diverse knowledge base of all things tax, accounting, and finance.

In his spare time, Jeff collects vintage/classic cars and nostalgic and collectible antiques. He also spends much time with his three daughters, who live throughout the US.

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